I remember making up songs when I was three years old. After listening to music on the radio, I decided that songs were stories with changes in pitch and rhythm.
Many composers today tell a story in the verse and express emotion in the chorus. In opera, that translates to recitativo and aria.
What ever style of music you choose to listen to, songs are a form of communication.
Here's a fun experiment. Choose any song. See if you can determine the storyline, or main theme. What emotion is the composer is expressing in relationship to the experience?
Music has the ability to change our emotional view points, encourage action (good and bad) and help with the healing process. The body has it's own symphony made up of beat patterns or rhythm, and vibrations which can be interpreted as sound waves. When the symphony goes off key, or skips a beat, the body expresses pain and illness.
While teaching music in a public school, I had the children try an experiment. We laid very still. Measured our heart rates, then listened to various forms of music, rechecking our heart rate after each example. Each person expressed that their bio rhythms changed according to the music we listened to.